

    Appellations and Grapes


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    Barbera is a very pleasant wine, with an intense color, clear aromas of red fruit, flowers and just enough spice to make it intriguing. Barbera is the Piedmontese vine par excellence, the wine that has always been drunk and which represents at least half of the entire production of the region. In Italy, the historic areas of Barbera are Monferrato, where Barbera was born, the province of Asti with the relative Barbera d'Asti DOCG and finally in the Langhe we have the Barbera d'Alba DOC. Proceeding south-east we meet the Oltrepò Pavese, where Barbera (locally we find it in the masculine form, Il Barbera) appears both in Sangue di Giuda and in Buttafuoco, and vinified alone. But Barbera's extreme adaptability has allowed it to expand all over the world, following the Italian immigrants, so much so that in Argentina it is one of the most cultivated vines, and with good results! California and Uruguay also produce excellent wines with this grape variety. But the argument does not end there, because the wandering nature of Barbera has made it a global grape without borders: you will find fantastic bottles of Barbera wine around Italy and in the most remote corners of the world. Here's a reason to try them all!

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    Barbera wines: a unique vine of its kind

    Barbera is a fairly "young" vine: in fact, information can only be found starting from the 18th century of the last millennium , but there is some evidence that would demonstrate the possibility that it has a more ancient history. This grape variety is a real pride among Piedmontese wines and has no resemblance to other species of the area. The Barbera red wine has a floral flavor on the palate, while the body is spicy. It is one of those wines that are easy to drink and simple to taste. The vine can boast 2 Docg and 34 Doc. The most loved are the Barbera D'Asti DOC and the Barbera D'Alba DOCG .

    Barbera wine: cut price and special offers

    At Vinopuro you will find a wide selection of Barbera wines from the best manufacturers, rich in first courses, with the possibility of being able to select the best vintages. Choose the wine you prefer and discover our special offers.

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