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In reality, it is not a single grape variety, but a "family" with various types: from Lambrusco di Sorbara , to Grasparossa , to Maestri , to Salamino , just to mention the most famous. They are scattered in the Po valley including the areas of Piacentino, Mantovano, Reggiano and Modena where we have always found Lambrusco in its best known form, i.e. as a sparkling wine. The need to give a rigorous discipline that safeguards the typicality and uniqueness of the different Lambruscos, according to their composition and location, has led to the formation of various DOCs with respective disciplinary. These DOCs originated in different eras, starting from 1961. This wine accompanies in an extraordinary way with the dishes of the territories in question, therefore with pork in all its forms, fried food, sauces… It is really a worthy expression of his land. We find it in sweet or dry types, even still (even White), but always characterized by the characteristic scent of violets and hints of ripe berries. Lambrusco wine is eclectic, a wine of ancient origin, but of an unparalleled modernity. Light but savory, immediate and sparkling, it allows you to solve many of the problems of pairing with the most varied dishes of local and national cuisine.

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Lambrusco wine: many varieties but the same quality

The flavor of Lambrusco is varied and goes wonderfully with the dishes of the regions of origin: boiled meats, soups, cured meats and much more. Dry or sweet, still or sparkling or even sparkling: many varieties , but indisputable quality.

Sale Lambrusco: affordable price!

If you want to taste a perfect Lambrusco, contact Vinopuro : here you will find a wide selection of bottles of the highest quality. Discover our special offers to find the best wines at cut prices.

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