The story of the family of Claudio and Emilio Bisi was born in Roncolungo, a beautiful vineyard in the municipality of Montù Beccarla, in the Oltrepò Pavese; that vineyard is still one of the best company crus today, purchased by the founder way back in 1926. The tradition of viticulture has thus been handed down from father to son and today it is the third generation that carries on the company in the name of the best traditions of the territory. The estate currently has around thirty hectares which have a very particular geological characterization and is absolutely favorable for the cultivation of vines, giving the wines a unique complexity. Since its foundation, the objective of the Bisi winery has been to enhance the wonderful Oltrepò area and therefore, above all, the native vines and traditional local wines. Here is therefore the creation of the native Croatina, of Barbera, widespread throughout the area that goes from the Piedmontese Monferrato to the Piacenza area, reaching the Oltrepò; not least Malvasia, historically produced in these areas. There is also no shortage of international vines such as Pinot Noir and Riesling, which have been cultivated in these lands for over a century and, especially the former, is expressed at truly excellent levels. In the vineyard, viticulture is practiced which is very respectful of the environment, furthermore the company practices and promotes biodiversity, a very useful and interesting practice for preserving the environment and handing over to future generations an ecosystem that is still intact and vital. As regards the wine selection, particular attention is paid to Bonarda, the most typical wine of the area, made with the native Croatina grape and Barbera. It is interesting to know that there is a project called "Oltrepò Pavese Quality Wine District" which provides for the adoption of more restrictive rules for the production of wine compared to those of the Oltrepò DOC specifications and also the use of a bottle with a particular shape that guarantees its recognition on the market. The Bisi winery joins it with enthusiasm, expressing as always the desire to produce increasingly qualitative and exciting wines.
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