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Region: South Tyrol (Italian wines)
Year of foundation: 1893
Hectares of vineyards: 140
Annual production: 1200000 bottles
Winemaker: Rudi Kofler
Address: Via Colli d'argento 7, 39018 - Terlano (BZ)

Founded in 1893, the Cantina di Terlano is one of the most cutting-edge producer cooperatives in all of Alto Adige. Its 143 current members cultivate 170 hectares of vineyards, equal to a total annual production of 1.5 million bottles. For years the members have taken the path of quality with commitment and perseverance, the same quality that has earned them fame and recognition on the Italian and international wine market. This is why, despite being relatively small, the Terlano winery is now a consolidated institution in its sector. In the modern structure, exclusively DOC wines mature, 30% red and 70% white. The distribution of the wines produced is divided into two clearly differentiated quality lines: the Selections and the Tradition line. Furthermore, every year a "rare" wine is offered on the market, aged for at least ten years in the old cellars and designed to give visibility to the philosophy of the longevity of wines. The search for quality and the skilful revisiting of tradition are perhaps the two most important ingredients in the recipe for the success of Cantina Terlano, ingredients that have allowed this company great international recognition.

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